“Beware! Take care!” your colleagues will shout;
“Please close the door or he will get out!”
All you’ll perceive (and this won’t make your day);
Is clattering hooves and a quick flash of grey;
“Oh no!” you’ll say, “oh what a bummer!”
“Pepsi’s got out and he’s done a runner!”
“He’s there in the car park charging about.”
That’s what happens when Pepsi gets out.
And he’ll be halfway to Woodcote if he gets a chance;
So grab a head collar and a handful of nuts;
He’s got to come in and no ifs and no buts.
Heed this advice and do what you’re told;
And you will stop Pepsi from going AWOL!
About the author: In addition to being indispensible on the yard, Tara Martel is also our resident poet, source of amazing trivia, burleseque dancer and Mastermind contestant. That’s quite a list of achievements!